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Kusama Registrar (English)

Request Judgement

  1. Click
  2. Choose ... Click Set on-chain identity
  3. Click
  4. Choose identity > requestJudgement > regindex Input 3 > maxfee Input 5 > Sign Transcation

Ways of Challenge

Online Challenge

Fee: 1 KSM/Challenge
Default: 1 KSM
Regional: No Limit
Code Expiration: 12 Hours

e.g. Challenge 3 social infos need 3 KSM, challenger should require the same number of challenge items as KSM, if not, challenger will receive a refund or additional payment request.

Request from: Email / Twitter PM @LiebiOfficial / Riot Refund/Payment: GLiebiQp5f6G5vNcc7BgRE9T3hrZSYDwP6evERn3hEczdaM related address

  • Email Challenge

    • Send a message containing challenge code and identy info to the challenged email
    • Use challenged address to sign email content, reply the signature to Registrar's email
    • Registrar using address to verify signature, verification success or failure
  • Social account riot\twitter\facebook etc. Challenge

    • Send a message containing challenge code and identy info to the Social account by private message
    • Use challenged address to sign private message, reply the signature to Registrar's social account
    • Registrar using address to verify signature, verification success or failure
  • Website Challenge

    • Send a message containing challenge code and identy info to the challenged email
    • Use challenged address to sign email content, choose one of the following methods

      • Place the signature in the website directory .challenge/sign_message.txt
      • Added _dnsauth.domain TXT parsing content using signature
    • Registrar using address to verify signature, verification success or failure

Complete the above steps to get the Reasonable judgement

Offline F2F(Face to Face) Challenge

Fee: 5 KSM/Challenge
Regional: China
Location: Shanghai
Code Expiration: 48 Hours

Check official documents offline and WE WILL NOT STORE anything or REQUEST any sensitive information online.

  • Legal name Challenge

    • Send a message containing challenge code and identy info to the challenged email
    • Use challenged address to sign email content, challenger print signature on the paper
    • The challenger show the business license/IDs/passport with legal name and signature paper to the registrar when F2F
    • Registrar completes the challenge after verifying the signature from paper
  • Reputation Challenge

    • Send a message containing challenge code and identy info to the challenged email
    • Use challenged address to sign email content, challenger print signature on the paper
    • When the challenger participates in the conference/workshop as a speaker offline, challenger will show signature paper to the registrar when F2F
    • Registrar completes the challenge after verifying the signature from paper

Complete the above steps to get the KnowGood judgement

Other Judgement

If in the above judgement challenge, the challenged person has any attempt to defraud the Registrar, such as forging a phishing account, provide forged business license, etc. Once the fraud is confirmed by the Registrar, it will receive a LowQuality judgement.

All accounts judgement by Liebi Registrar are valid for 1 year, and need to be re-challenged after the expiration. If they are not re-challenged, they will be modified to OutOfDate judgement.

Judgement Fee

Registrar Fee: 1 KSM (Default)
Online Challenge: 1 KSM/Challenge
Offline F2F Challenge: 5 KSM/Challenge

Challenger provide an additional fee according to their needs

Sign & Verify

  • Generate Challenge Code

import random
import string

def generate(num):
    challenge_code = ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, num))

    return challenge_code

challenge_code = generate(32)
print challenge_code
  • Generate Signature

    • Using
    • Paste the JSON Content (including challenge code) received by email/pm/other into sign the following data
    • Click sign message to sign
    • Deliver the signature to the registrar for verification as described in the Ways of Challenge
  • Verify Signature

    • Using
    • Enter the challenger's KSM Address into verify using address
    • Paste the JSON Content (including Challenge Code) received by email/pm/other into using the following data
    • Fill signature into the supplied signature
    • If the result returns success, the verification is passed, and if it returns failed, the verification fails.


We will strictly review identity information such as Email, Legal name, Twitter, Riot, etc. Adhere to the concept of having signature characters to be trusted. At the same time, our team is mainly based in Shanghai, China. Shanghai is a city where the Chinese blockchain industry gathers, and there will be many opportunities to contact teams that require offline certification to give a KnowGood judgement.

Contact us





Twitter: @LiebiOfficial

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